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Beyond Frankencloud: living with your once and future SaaS architecture


Loosely-typed, scripted programming languages accelerate the requirements feedback loop between customers and developers. Frankencloud happens when the speed of customer-facing feature development is paid for by charging interest to functions outside of the direct control of the application developers.

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User Model: What SaaS platform builders need to know to prepare for growth, Part 1


Before you shout “Digital Transformation” in a crowded marketplace, it’s important to recognize two foundational principles in developing a SaaS product plan. First: SaaS is a business strategy, not a technology strategy. Second (a corollary of the first): There is no one-size-fits-all SaaS architecture.

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Understanding Multi-tenancy, the Keystone of SaaS


There’s no one-size-fits-all SaaS architecture, so practical strategies of building such frameworks will vary. The AWS Well-Architected Framework is one such approach that helps adopt architectural best practices (whether or not you run on AWS) and adapt continuously.