Sun.Jul 07, 2024

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Select avg(Moby Dick) limit 2 sentences

Tom Tunguz

The SQL statement above is a quote from our recent Office Hours with Benn Stancil. It’s not a SQL statement that would work today in a cloud data warehouse. But an LLM would understand it : summarize the book Moby Dick in two sentences. Sure enough, ChatGPT answers the question : This pseudocode blends the structured queries of data analysis with the unstructured data contained in a classic novel.

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Identifying and Optimizing Customer Journey Touchpoints

User Pilot

How do you identify and optimize customer journey touchpoints? This is the main question that the article tackles. Before we get down to it, we also cover different stages of the customer journey and examples of touchpoints at different stages. To inspire your product team. Ready to dive in? TL;DR A customer journey is all the customer interactions and experiences with an organization, from initial discovery to ongoing use and beyond.

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Top 10 Customer Communication Management Software in 2024

User Pilot

Wondering which customer communication management software is ideal for enhancing customer interactions in your SaaS product? In this article, we examine what customer communications management software is and what to look out for when selecting one. We also consider the top 10 CCM software products on the market today. TL;DR Customer communication management software (CCM software) is any product designed to empower business users to communicate with customers.